What is Rhinitis
Rhinitis is the condition where there is inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose. It can be caused by infection, irritant exposure or allergens. Specifically, Allergic Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes caused by exposure to inhaled allergens, such as from dust mite, cockroaches, moulds and animal hair. People who are sensitive to these allergens may then experience one or more of the following symptoms that lasts several weeks and does not seem to go away.
In Singapore, about one in six children suffer from rhinitis all year round. Up to 40% of 12-15 year old children suffer from rhinitis. Rhinitis in adults is around 20%.
Allergy Rhinitis can sometimes be associated with itchy, watery or puffy eyes (Allergic conjunctivitis).
Non allergic rhinitis with nasal symptoms triggered by the following environmental allergies can also occur.
Managing Allergic Rhinitis
Establishing other associated chronic conditions and co-morbids
Asthma, eczema and allergy to NSAIDs can co-exist and have implications to long term treatment and prognosis.
Otitis media with effusion, sinusitis may be more common in patients with allergic rhinitis
Sleep disordered breathing and obstructive sleep apnoea can also been aggravated by allergic rhinitis.
Living with Rhinitis
In Singapore, the allergic rhinitis symptoms continue all year round and are mostly related to dust mites. House dust mites are microscopic creatures that are found commonly in mattresses, pillows, bed sheets, clothing, soft toys, sofas and carpets. They live in all our homes and feed mainly on the scales of skin that we shed.
Some simple measures to reduce house dust mite allergy
Exposure to pets
In the news
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